National Taipei University of Education Chinese Language Education Center
華語季班報名表 (Mandarin course application form)
申請年度 (Start Year)
申請季別 (Start Season)
預計就讀幾季 (How many seasons that you would like to apply for?)
居留/統一證號 (Residence Permit Number)
個人照片上傳 (Photo Upload)
1.英文名字 (FirstName)
英文中間名 (Middle Name)
英文姓氏 (Last Name)
2.中文姓名 (Chinese Name)
3.國籍 (Nationality)
4.性別 (Sex)
5.出生日期 (Date of Birth)
6.護照號碼 (Passport Number)
7.電話號碼 (PhoneNumber : Home)
手機號碼 (Cell phone)
8.永久地址 (Home Address)
9.通訊地址 (Mailing Address) 同永久地址 (Same as Home Address)
10.電子郵件 (Email Address)
11.最高學歷 (Highest Level of Education)
學校名稱 (Name of School)
12.職業 (Occupation)
13.語言背景 (Native Language)
其他語言 (Other Language)
14.是否學習過華語文? (Have you ever learned Chinese?)
(1)學習多久? (How long have you Studied Chinese?)
(2)在哪裡學習呢? (Where did you learn?)
(3)學習正體或是簡體字? (What kind of Chinese Character that you have ever learned?)
(4)使用過何種教材? (What learning materials have you used before?)
15.緊急聯絡人 (Emergency contact Name)
緊急聯絡人電話 (Emergency contact Phone)
緊急聯絡人電子郵件 (Emergency contact Email)
16.附件 (Attachment)
※不需學生簽證 If you DO NOT NEED a student visa
 1.護照影本 Copy of your passport or, if available, your Alien Resident Certificate.
※需學生簽證 If you NEED a student visa
  Financial Statement showing at least US$2,000 (within the past 3 months)
 2.高中以上文憑影本 Diploma of high school or higher education
 3.護照影本 Copy of your passport or, if available, your Alien Resident Certificate.